Archive for April, 2013


“Doping”; “juicing,” these are some of the words that are referred to as someone whose been using steroids or any other sport enhancement drug considered illegal in the competing arena. As a survivor of a debilitating disease, one can only respect Lance Armstrong, a cancer survivor. Unfortunately, between the past allegations of his doping and his January 2013 confession of doping, I have lost all respect for him. I don’t condone doping but it is prevalent within the sports industry. I recall years ago when a woman and I got into a debate about men, baseball and “doping.” It was a little crazy, as men gathered around to watch us argue our case about baseball and doping; as they claimed it unusual for women to debate the issue, but there we were debating a non-sensical thing. I told her that I believed baseball players were doping. There were a few signs that gave it away for me: one, the dense muscular built of some of the baseball players was unusually large compared to what baseball players used to look like, and second; the hitting distance and homerun records being broken. The woman at the bar was an avid lover of baseball and became extremely angry; stating emphatically that it was wrong for me to accuse baseball players of doping, because it was a pure sport. We vehemently disagreed with one another and the bar was split on who to side with in the debate. Months later, it was reported that some of the greats like Barry Bonds and Jose Conseco, among other great record breaking baseball players, had been call into question and admitted to “juicing.” The heated debate I had with the woman represents the passion people have about their sports and sport figures, so when I heard Lance Armstrong confess to Oprah, it was s sad day: he was a cancer survivor and a hero people gravitated towards; how could he do this to us all.

For years Armstrong denied doping. Finally, on January 13, 2013 the famous now infamous Lance Armstrong admitted that he did dope during his career, and he willingly withdrew from the sport. Frankly, with Armstrong’s status as a mentor and hero to people, I was hoping the accusations against him were fabricated but sadly, they weren’t. It was disappointing that he did not deny ANY of the accusations, and there were some pretty heavy accusations that involved coercion and threats to other team members and their career. I don’t condone his cheating but what changed my perspective on him were the threats he made to his team members and their career: if they didn’t follow his lead, they risked losing their seat on the U.S.P.S. team. Not only that, but there was the sinister doping scheme he and his handlers implemented as part of their training.

Today, the government which is representative of the American people has joined the whistle-blower lawsuit brought by former Armstrong teammate, Floyd Landis under the federal False Claim Act. Armstrong’s attorney claims that the government has not been wronged, and I disagree. The United States government is representative of the American people; the government paid Lance Armstrong $40 million dollars to sponsor him in 6 of the 7 Tour De France, those dollars did not come from the government body’s pocket but from the tax dollars Americans paid; we paid him. I believe that $40 million dollars is money that could be allocated to infrastructure, healthcare, education and other programs for the American people. Armstrong’s attorney states that “the government must prove not only that the Postal Service was defrauded, but that it was damaged somehow.” I understand that no one is perfect but Armstrong admitted, on national TV, that he did dope and defrauded the American people; he took money from the government knowing that he was cheating; he also defrauded the public by denying his guilt for years and defamed America by condoning his own behavior for years. He should pay something for taking the money.

I can’t imagine what he is going through; someone who was built up by the American people and now struggling to save a little of his dignity. The story of Lance Armstrong seems like a horrible and sinister novel with a sad ending. Sadly, Lance Armstrong is not the only person that has gone through being defamed. Americans are really good at building someone up and then tearing them down, but sadly, he did this to himself. This is a lesson for us all to learn: we must reflect on the decisions we make today so that we don’t regret tomorrow.

one_fund_2One of my strongest assets is that I can look at a negative situation and with work turn it into a positive one, which is why I enjoyed reading the article about the successful fundraiser ad campaign Hill Holiday ran for the city of Boston in just a few hours. “One Fund Boston” is the name of the campaign fundraiser for the victims of the domestic terrorist attack. The following day after the terrorist attack; its 10:00 a.m. and Mr. Gallagher, executive VP of John Hancock is on the phone with Mike Sheehan and Karen Kaplan, CEO and president of Boston ad agency Hill Holiday. The ad agency was to create a fundraiser campaign ad for the victims before 5:00 p.m. that evening so that the major could announce it during a press conference.

Immediately, Mr. Sheehan came up with “One Fund” as way to centralize the fund-raising. The ad agency then created the logo; by 11:00 a.m. the logo was approved by the mayor’s office and advisor Jack Connors. The agency then created a website with PayPal to accept donations and the legal team, Goodwin Proctor volunteered to register the find and handle the legal paperwork. As promised, the agency delivered the ad package by 5:00 p.m. and the major announced it during the press conference. This is a perfect example on how an ad agency dealt with a crisis communication ad campaign and how they helped bring in 20 million dollars in donations for the victims of the domestic terrorist attack.

Cannabis Marketing

Posted: April 21, 2013 in Cannabis, Entertainment, Marketing

dope picOn April 20, 2013, I decided to attend the Dope Magazine event in Seattle to observe and study the different marketing tactics the organization uses to promote their events. 4/20 is considered a cannabis holiday for those in the business. This year Dope partnered up with 7 Point Studios for its “Studio 4/20” event. This is the second annual event Dope Magazine has held in the city of Seattle but the first annual event since the end of prohibition.

Some highlights highlighted in the advertising was an evening filled with live shows, Dab bars, flower rooms with several vendors vending to patients, live glass blowing by world renowned artists, the Vape lounge which was interesting, a latex fashion show, great music, glass vendors with interesting designs, food trucks and beer gardens and a one- stop shop for any cannabis topicals you can find for your medicinal needs, and product competitions from the highest THC (Tetrahydrocannabidiol-psychoactive compound found in cannabis) to the the highest CBD (Cannabidiol-the non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis).

The line to get into the Dope event wrapped around the building and security was pretty tight. Walking up to the door, the lighting was bright and security checks were being performed on everyone and their bags. Walking through the front door, you were asked for your identification, and a fee of $30 was charged. After the check-in process was completed, you were free to walk through the doors. However, entry does not mean you were free to medicate in the designated areas for medicating. If you were interested in entering any of the medicated areas, then you were required to have Dope representatives confirm your medical recommendation was legitimate, as there are often many fraudulent papers milling aroung; and an additional fee of $10.00 was added to the $30.00. Once you were confirmed, then you were free to walk through the doors and enjoy the entertainment.

As I walked in, the vibeology was amazing. The venue was dressed with beautiful artwork on the walls that looked as if it took longer than a day to paint. The lighting and artwork, the live rope entertainment as you walked into the venue gave you a feeling that you were in a different world where you were free to mill around the performers up above. People milled around the area with media, in private rooms, oil dab rooms and Vape rooms socializing and having fun.

There was no violence, drunk and disorderly people; everyone was there to relax and enjoy themselves in the company of fun entertainment and friends. Overall, it was a very enjoyable, relaxing and entertaining evening. According to reports, Colorado was not as fortunate as Seattle; there was a shootout that left approximately 2 people injuired and many frightened citizens running for safety. This is a sad and unfortunate event, and it should be noted that it is not a reflection of all people who attend these functions. The behavior of those that commit horrific crimes such as the one that occurred in Colorado, should not reflect the majority of those who were attending the celebration. My thoughts and prayers are with those that were injured.

I thought that Dope Magazine and 7 Point Studios’ entertainment was great and Dope’s marketing ads are really rich in color and design, as well as their layout. Dope Magazine is fairly new to the state of Washington so it will be interesting to see how they target their marketing to the local audience, if they decide to; as their ads seem to have a sense of a one size fits all cities feel to them and I didn’t see a whole lot of marketing done for the event, this might be due to the legal issues and controversies surrounding cannabis. I heard about the event through word of mouth, not through their online marketing. It will be interesting to see if they do additional marketing to attract more people to the events. The state of Washington residents follow the lead of Hempfest and so it will be interesting to see what the demographic group is for both Dope Magazine and Hempfest events. The demographic group at last night’s even was a mixture of socio-economic and age demographic individuals. Unfortunately, I didn’t make the hempfest festival to check out their following but I do know that I saw many educated and well to-do individuals who attended the Dope Magazine event. I know that the yearly Hempfest event that takes place in Seattle during the summer is a huge outdoor event that brings people from all over the world, and it also brings in a good amount of economic revenue for the city of Seattle. There is also good amount of marketing that goes into putting up this event so we should stay tuned and compare the event marketing strategies and tactics they use to promote the Hempfest annual event. We shall stay tuned for the next cannabis event in Seattle.


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iStock_000012153725Small-e1320196236927 , Devin Coldewey recently reported that the controversial internet bill, Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA) has been passed by the House of Representatives. The intention of the internet bill is to allow internet companies to share information about users with the government. It’s not the first time this bill has reared its suspicious head; in fact, this is a touched-up version of the last bill introduced and it is highly suspect. Many critics of the bill believe that it is a way for the government to “deputize” private companies, almost like an extended surveillance arm to their department, a civil servant. Most of us know that, because of 9/11 and other world-wide threats of imminent danger, government agencies do conduct cyber-space surveillance on the people. For instance, an article published on, September 2012 reports that the FBI visited a 16 year old boy who submitted an online video report regarding the “Illuminati,” a secret society alleged to control world affairs in order to gain even more political power and influence. This is one of many examples that demonstrate how the government agencies already conduct surveillance on the American people. Another case that demonstrates the government’s cyberspace surveillance is a story reported on CNN November 14, 2012; it is alleged that the U.S. government requested access, from Google, approximately 7,969 tomes to private citizen Gmail accounts. Google claims that it did provide government information approximately 90% of the time. We shouldn’t forget the swift passing of the Patriot Act after 9/11, which provides the government with more than enough power to perform surveillance in the name of national security. I believe that CIPA may allow the U.S. government the ease of securing private information without going through proper channels. For now, we wait for the bill to be voted by the Senate. The bill was rejected last year but we shall see where it stands this time around.

Washington state’s cannabis consultant to the Liquor Control Board is Harvard graduate, Mark Kleiman and his think-tank, Botec Analysis Corporation. Mr. Kleiman and his team will help the state develop the legal cannabis industry. There is concern that policies implemented by the State of Washington for cannabis will allow corporations to move into the state and operate, putting small cannabis businesses operating under RCW 69.51a and I502 out of business. I have already seen many out of state companies move to Washington State so they can open a cannabis business. The question on whether the cannabis industry will develop into a model similar to Washington’s special beer brews, or will it become a corporation like Coors, Budweiser or Starbucks will remain unanswered until the landscape is developed by the state.

There are also many misinformed people in the state of Washington who believe that because cannabis is now legal in the State of Washington, they are within their right to open a cannabis business. This couldn’t be further from the truth. First, while it is legal in the state of Washington to have in possession up to 24 ounces of cannabis, it remains federally illegal to 1) buy the product and 2) operate a cannabis business without proper recommendation(s). Until the state develops and implements clear restrictions on cannabis, people should be aware that they may be at risk.

The cannabis business is not cheap; it’s an expensive enterprise if you’re going to produce quality products. The laws are complicated because this is a new industry, and the state is still in the development process. One thing is for sure, you will need a cannabis business license to operate and you must qualify to secure one. For now, people should educate themselves before spending thousands of dollars on a business they may have to close because they’re not qualified to get a license.


All of the sudden, I get the whiff of cedar wood and in an instant I’m an 8 year old child traveling with family through Lubbock, Texas in a small school bus. To me, the smell of cedar wood is Lubbock, Texas, and with the stimuli I can recall the place, specific moments and family experiences we had traveling through many small towns. I reminisce about an innocent time filled with hopes of what the future was going to bring into my life. It is this familiar smell, image or feeling that marketers use to influence the way people buy into the message, product and service. The unconcious brand marketing tactic is based on the idea that a markerter can tap into your subconscious and pull out a reality that provides a sense of acceptance, reassurance and security. It is a way that marketers reach out and compel the consumer to buy the product, take the trip or enroll in the overly priced college institute.

Colleges around the country are using innovative marketing tactics, such as the afforementioned, to beat out their competitors in student enrollment. Aside from the scratch and sniff air freshener, I’ve never heard of a college utilizing specific campus scents such as lawn grass as a marketing tactic to get you to enroll in their school, as Agnes Scott College. It’s not a new tactic, but it is an innovative way to use the tactic. According to James Poniewozik’s article in Time magazine, the scratch and sniff tactic was introduced in 2000 as Smell-o-Vision, a television set that emanated specific scents from the television tube to help sell products to the audience. During that time, audiences tested Smell-o-Vision and the test showed the audience was less than thrilled. The Smell-o-Vision product failed in the test market and so they nixed out the idea in favor of 3D television, which has been less than favorable in the market as well.

Today, it’s been 13 years since the Smell-o- Vision test and as predicted in 2000, it remained a thing of the past up until recently. Old ideas do not die easily, they just get recycled with improvements. Smell-o-Vision has made a comeback in conversation circles among engineers. The plan is to build the Smell-o-Vision applications better than their predecessors. Although the concept has not died with engineers, I don’t believe the Smell-o-Vision will make the final cut. Yes, out of curiosity, Smell-o-Vision could become a popular fad but people will, once again, learn that not all smells are good; thereby, shouldn’t be replicated.

If you’re interested in judging for yourself whether or not Smell-o-Vision’s will eventually be a hit, visit the links below and give me your input:


The Future: Virtual Currency!?

Posted: April 15, 2013 in Technology

Imagine buying a world without a banking system, and a time when all you need in order to have buying power is a computer. As a result of the world-wide bank bailouts occurring today digital currency is becoming popular. It seems that banks in Cyprus are pillaging customer bank accounts for money to help pay for loans borrowed from the EU, leaving people with a bag of nothing. The bailout business is forcing the marketplace to come up with alternative ways to do business that does not mean losing your money in the banking industry, and one way known today is through digital means. Bitcoin is an online commodity that has been around since 2009. They’re commodities being mined rather than traditional currency that has a central bank which creates more money. According to the idiot guide to virtual currency; Bitcoins are awarded to computers that generate 64-digit number from a complex algorithm. All you do is go to and download a wallet on your computer or mobile. You can then use Bitcoin to buy online; not all places use Bitcoins, but WordPress, Amazon, Wikileaks, just to name a few do use Bitcoins. For more information feel free to visit:

North Korea’s War Dance

Posted: April 12, 2013 in Politics

To be or not to be is the million dollar question the world has about North Korea’s threat to launch a missile that could potentially reach as far as the United States. As the tension escalates between North Korea, the United States and South Korea, the world waits with bated breath. There is no doubt that there is the imminent threat of a missile launch, and that the United States and South Korea are prepared.

According to John Everard, a former British ambassador to North Korea, the missiles are liquid-fueled that need to be launched or de-fueled within 10 days of fueling. If the missile is not de-fueled by the end of the 10 days, it could start to corrode the missile. On the other hand, de-fueling the missile does not seem to be the best option either, as de-fueling is a very nasty and dangerous process. No matter what the young leader decides, the time is running out for him to act.

I don’t think that Kim Jong Un has much of a choice. He created a chaotic scenario that closed down a joint manufacturing complex that served as a symbol in cooperation between North Korea and South Korea; it threatened to launch a pre-emptive strike against the United States and South Korea, ignoring the 1953 truce that ended the Korean war; it nullified its joint declaration de-nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula; it warned foreigners to evacuate the area before April 10, 2013, and he directed the people of North Korea to be prepared to fight a war against the United States. Sadly, I believe that in order for the young leader to save face with the people of North Korea and the world, he will need to launch the missile; otherwise, he ends up looking more like a pestilent child and less of a leader, or he could just continue to use the “missile threat” as leverage for power which could ultimately discredit him as a leader. Either way its a lose, lose situation.

The three P’s in Marketing

Posted: April 7, 2013 in Marketing

The competition is fierce within the small business community. I’ve spent a bit of time helping small businesses promote their products, and product packaging and placement seem to be everything. Contemplating this theory took me on a road to do a focus group and further research. It’s true; horrible products with great packaging are profitable. I even had a business owner comment, “…his product may not be the best but people love the packaging…” It’s important that when a company is developing their brand, they put heavy consideration into what is going to set them apart from their competitors, and packaging seems to be the determining factor whether or not product sales are a success or a failure.

According to Kristie Lorette, Demand Media, article, “Importance of Product Packaging in Marketing”; it is vital for companies to consider function, attraction, promotion, purchase decision and differentiation in the branding of their product. Function means product protection from getting damaged; promotion talks about the product and provides directions on how to use it; attraction draws people to the product; purchase and decision discuss ingredients in the product that help the consumer decide whether or not to purchase the product and differentiation is the one thing that sets companies apart.

Albert Einstein once said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” When people examine whether or not a product will work for them, they’re making an unconscious decision based on what appeals to their senses, the part of a person’s brain that speaks in feelings, not words (Van Praet, 2012). They’re really looking to connect with the company’s brand, and packaging is what helps people identify with the company.

If a company decides to build their brand around poor packaging, it could be difficult for them to upgrade it; changing the packaging could alter the company’s brand and that could prove to be a bad move if you’re a small business. Not only could changing the package be a bad decision for a company’s brand but it could also prove to be costly. It is important to remember that what works for today may not work tomorrow so your packaging has to be dynamic, constantly and evolving. As time moves on your competitors may or may not develop a better product, but if they’re developing a better package your company could lose profits. You may find it cost prohibitive to change your packaging but it could mean the difference between being on top, middle or bottom of your game.

At the end of the day, a company should always consider the packaging of their product as a piece of clothing that will reflect who you are as a company.